7 Step Method To Solve And Deal Effectively With Any Problem:
That lead to more and better results. All of life is a series of problems to be solved and difficulties to be overcome.
Your ability to solve the problems you meet at your level is essential to your being paid more and promoted faster.
Here's a seven step method that
you can use for the rest of your career to deal effectively with any problem that comes along.
it's like a recipe that you can use in the kitchen that will bring you an excellent dish every single time.
• What exactly is the problem?
• Get the real facts ( no apparent facts) (so much time is wasted when the problem is not even understood)
Step 2: What are all the possible causes of this problem?
• How and why did it happen? (it may solve the problem)
• The better quality of answers you come up with, the better odds you have to come up with a solution)
Step 3: What are all the possible solutions?
• The more possible solutions you can come up with, the more likely you will come up with an ideal solution.
Step 4: Make a decision.
• Any decision is usually better than no decision at all.
• 80% of problems must be resolved as soon as they come up and only 20% need time and deliberation; extra research.
Step 5: Assign responsibility for carrying out the decision.
• Who is going to do what, when and to what standard?
Step 6: Set a schedule of reporting and a standard to measure whether or not the decision has been successful.
• A solution without a standard or deadline is not a solution. It is merely a discussion.
Step 7: Task you or someone else with taking definite action to implement the solution and resolve the problem.
• Action is EVERYTHING.
• The more you focus on solutions, the smarter you become and the better solutions you can come up with.
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